Here are several links that I have found helpful this week.
Carl Trueman wrote a very sobering article on self promotion, particularly that which occurs on the internet. He tone is gentle, yet his message cuts to the heart of pride that lives deep in all of us (perhaps not as deep as we think). This is a thoughtful article, very convicting to me.
Dumb sheep. Who are we to talk?
Juan Sanchez posts another article in an on-going discussion on contextualization.
Many, many are facing unemployment. I have a brother that has been out of work for a year. I have church members that have been out of work for extended periods. It is difficult as you pray with them and talk with them and cry with them, yet it is also a time of growth and blessing. Greg Gilbert at Nine Marks Journal has posted part one of a two part series on unemployment that I found helpful and I believe would be helpful to any believer facing the loss of a job.
Jon Acuff has an essay on the corrosive effect of sin in our lives.
Of First Importance quote The Father’s Two Greatest Gifts.
Ed Stetzer posts a video with a light hearted look at selfishness at Christmastime.
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
10 hours ago