Saturday, July 04, 2009

Book Review: Notes From the Tilt-A-Whirl

Notes From the Tilt-A-Whirl focuses one’s attention on the important questions of creation as the snapshot impressions taken during a year on the vast cosmic tilt-a-whirl are recorded. The amusement park ride is the metaphor for the globe spinning in multiple circles as it races through the universe. The various pictures are melded together and form a larger composition that distinctly shows the hand of a designer. Some of these observations are quick, drive by snapshots; others are examined in greater depth.

As I read the book there were times that I felt as if I were on an amusement park ride. The pictures flew by so fast that I had a hard time focusing. Then there are the times when Wilson stops the ride and lets us take a few deep breaths and examine a particular picture. His descriptions are thorough and he writes with good clarity. You truly are given a fresh glimpse of "wide-eyed wonder" as you consider the intricacies of even the most mundane of things. I appreciated the book as a good introduction to building a worldview. Nate Wilson does more than make observations; he draws lines to help us connect the dots so that the larger picture begins to emerge.

I recommend this book for any that are willing to look at the world with that "wide-eyed wonder" and then draw honest conclusions.

Thanks to Thomas Nelson for sending this for me to review as a member of their book review blogger program.

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