Saturday, January 03, 2009

The Creator-Redeemer

I am preaching on Colossians 1 tomorrow.  As I have prepared this sermon I am in awe of the Redeemer.  

He created and sustains this world.  He is above all.  He rules over all.  He is the before all and the greatest of all. He is the image of God, revealing the Father to his creation.  Yet the crown of his creation has chosen to rebel against him.  Still he cares about his creation.  He rules over it, he cares for it, ultimately he died to redeem it.  I am reminded that Paul said in Romans 8 that all creation is groaning awaiting the time that all will be set free.  We join in that groaning, looking for the day when we will be free from the effects of sin.  Yet in a real sense when we know Christ as Saviour we are currently free, having already been redeemed by his death on the cross.

We rejoice in that redemption, living our lives for the sake of that Gospel.  That impacts every area of our lives.  All that we do, every activity that we engage in, should be done in the light of redemption. "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV) 

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